LETTER: Resident concerned about Commission minutes
Finally, after almost 2 months the Granite County Commission minutes (see link below) were posted on it's Web site. Page 11 pertains to agenda item "The Board held the first reading of Resolution 2018-16 “A Granite County Resolution Establishing Granite County Forest Management Advisory Committee, An Advisory Board.” By the way, the electronically recorded meeting[s] has[have] been up on GC E MAC FB page and You Tube since Aug [as well as most prior commissioner meetings ].

Scroll down (the approved minutes) and you'll find discussion re the Board reimbursement of Heidi Hinkle for taking minutes for the Granite County Forest Management Advisory Committee. To refresh your memory : Becky Smith, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, was assigned by one of the commissioners (unknown) and was PAID for her time to take minutes.
Continue to scroll down to the Aug 21 agenda meeting, page 14. By the way, if you couldn't make it to the Aug 7 meeting and attended the Aug 21 meeting, the second reading of Resolution 2018-16, “A Granite County Resolution Establishing Granite County Forest Management Advisory Committee, An Advisory Board.” you wouldn't know what happened at the first meeting because the minutes of that meeting weren't approved or posted till Oct 22.
If you're interested in how your money is being spent, do continue to scroll through the so called "2018-19 preliminary budget special hearings". Another eye opener or like more dog and pony shows with no dogs or ponies showing up.
Note who was in attendance most of the time.
Then Aug 28, page 19, agenda item The Board discussed Richard Motta’s potential civil liability and issues with County Attorney, Blaine Bradshaw. Dick Motta and Elena Gagliano attended. Compare it to the electronically recorded meeting on You Tube. By the way, a letter sent to Mail Opinion from the County Attorney, not discussed or agreed upon by the Commissioners previously means what? Yet this agenda item where the commissioners were involved, made a motion, 2 for, 1 against, didn't carry through with a formal signed letter, by the commissioners, to Mr Motta.
"False allegations"? "Slander"? Who do you believe? Your lying eyes? Or what the current Granite County Commissioners tell you?
My “disruptive actions” as a member of the Granite County Forest Management Advisory Committee (F MAC) were also scheduled for discussion as an agenda item. I received no notice from the Commission, didn't attend , but the discussion and decision took place without my presence. Luckily someone was there to electronically record the session. To date I have never received notice of their “decision” and warning. I have asked for one in writing, but have been denied by Slaughter. Commissioner Adler, assigned to “participate and assist” with F MAC and who made the complaint against me, said nothing.
A couple of more “facts”. As you know the Adler trial has been postponed for a third time till sometime in Jan, 2019. Since it's been over a year since his indictment and admission of guilt in the Mail (as did Slaughter) why is Adler still participating in making motions, decisions, resolutions and even negotiating a contract with the union representing the county employees who used county equipment and materials per his request to pave his driveway? Even the commission decision to not temporarily suspend him was a joke and violation of statutes.
Then you have Adler's attorney, Mr. Michael Grayson. Mr Grayson was a partner with Ray Dayton before he became judge and is now presiding judge in the case. Conflict of interest, anyone?
And then we have the GC Hospital District. Whether the mill levy goes through or not or whether the Lower Rock Creek petition to withdraw from the district is “approved” or not, there's enough evidence to appeal the whole damn thing. Stay tuned for that.
Elena Gagliano
Philipsburg, Montana
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