Recent grizzly bears in areas just outside of Missoula serve as an extra reminder to be bear aware
MISSOULA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has received reports of grizzly bears in different drainages just outside of Missoula over...

Permit required to salvage vehicle-killed deer, elk, moose and antelope
HELENA – Anyone wanting to salvage a road-killed deer, elk, moose are antelope must obtain a Vehicle-Killed Wildlife Salvage Permit....

FWP seeks comment on several proposals for August 25 commission meeting
HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on several proposals slated to go to the Fish and Wildlife Commission...

Commission reinstates 2021 kokanee regulations on Georgetown Lake
HELENA - The Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to reinstate the previous 2021 Georgetown Lake kokanee salmon regulations of no daily or...

Commission passes rule changes on Madison, regulations on stretch of Big Hole
HELENA – The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved two rule changes on Monday concerning recreational and commercial use on the...

Wolf trapping to open in several Wolf Management Units around the state
FWP PRESS RELEASE - After monitoring grizzly bear activity across much of the state, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is opening wolf...

Be sure before you shoot: 5 tips for archery hunting success
Montana’s archery hunting season for deer and elk begins Sept. 4, and just like in every other form of hunting, being successful while...

‘Hoot owl’ restrictions lifted on portions of some Montana rivers
Several “hoot owl” restrictions currently in effect on portions of some Montana rivers will be lifted at 2 p.m. today. Restrictions will...

Oh My! Forget the lions and tigers, bears are roaming through Granite County
(File Photo) GRANITE COUNTY – Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) as well as area residents are reporting a number of bears moving in and...

Members selected for Lower Yellowstone Advisory Committee
HELENA – Twelve Montana citizens have been selected to serve on the Lower Yellowstone Advisory Committee, a new committee convened by...