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Fish and Wildlife Commission to meet Oct. 17

The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet Wednesday, Oct. 17, at FWP Headquarters in Helena. The Commission meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. and will be streamed live via video to all FWP regional offices. The meeting will also be audio streamed online at

The agenda includes final decisions on:

  • 2019 fishing regulations

  • Clark Fork River closure for Department of Environmental Quality cleanup of Grant-Kohrs Ranch area

  • Missouri River and Toston Fishing Access Site closure rule

  • North Sunday Creek conservation easement

  • White Deer Meadow conservation easement

  • Canyon Creek Wildlife Management Area addition fee title acquisition

  • Dome Mountain Ranch WMA inholding assignment of conservation easement and fee title acquisition

  • Beattie Gulch state bison hunt closure

  • brucellosis annual work plan.

The Commission will hear the following proposals:

  • Amendments to current No Wake Zones and adoption of new No Wake Zones on Canyon Ferry Reservoir

  • Draft Upper Missouri River Reservoir Fisheries Management Plan

  • Fishing Access Site Biennial Rule

FWP ensures its meetings are fully accessible to those with special needs. To request arrangements, call FWP at 406-444-3186.

For the full agenda and background on the scheduled topics, go to the FWP website at; under “Quick Links” click “Commission.” FWP's website offers live streamed audio of each F&W commission meeting. The public can also view a live television feed of the meeting at FWP regional offices. FWP Headquarters is located at 1420 E. 6th Avenue, Helena.

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