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MDT to start Slope Stability Project Tuesday on Highway 1

ANACONDA & PHILIPSBURG – The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Hi-Tech Rockfall Construction are expecting to begin work on the MT 1 Slope Stability project over Flint Creek Pass starting Tuesday, September 13.

The project area begins less than one mile north of Georgetown Lake Road and extends north on Montana Highway 1 (MT 1) for approximately one mile. The contractor will repair or replace existing rockfall mitigation structures and remove potentially hazardous unstable rock material.

MDT maintains rockfall mitigations structures such as fences, barriers and netting to help keep motorists safer while traveling on Montana’s many roads and highways. MDT is performing proactive rockfall mitigation work called “rock scaling” to remove rock materials and help keep them off the highway. The existing rockfall mitigation structures were installed in 2008.

Work is anticipated to take place during daylight hours Monday through Friday. Motorists should expect up to 30-minute delays while work is taking place.

“The safety of the traveling public and workers is our highest priority,” said MDT Missoula District Construction Engineer, John Schmidt. “MDT and our contracting partner Hi-Tech Rockfall Construction are working hard to keep traffic moving safely through the work zone.”

A five-day full closure of the road is necessary to safely remove large amounts of rock materials. Currently, it is anticipated that the closure will take place from October 3 through October 7. This is pending weather and is subject to change.

“The road closure is necessary to keep everyone safe and to help the contractor complete the majority of work before winter arrives,” said Schmidt. “We anticipate getting this work done this fall and opening the road back up to two lanes.”

There are no feasible detour routes around the construction work zone. MDT recommends motorists use Interstate 90 between Philipsburg and Anaconda during the closure.

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Alternative accessible formats of this document will be provided on request. Persons who need an alternative format should contact the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620. Telephone 406-444-5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711.

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