Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest Temporarily Closes Developed Recreation Sites

DILLON – The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest has temporarily closed several developed recreation sites for the health and safety of visitors and staff. Effective at midnight, the following group-use areas are closed and unavailable to rent via
Dillon Ranger District
Brownes Lake Campground
Crystal Park
Dinner Station Campground
East Creek Campground
Grasshopper Campground
Price Creek Campground
Reservoir Lake Campground
Sacajawea Memorial Campground
Birch Creek Cabin
Bloody Dick Cabin
Horse Prairie Guard Station
Butte Ranger District
Toll Mountain Campground
Whitehouse Campground
Beaver Dam Campground
Pigeon Creek Campground
Lowland Campground
Delmoe Lake Campground
Basin Canyon Campground
Hells Canyon Cabin
High Rye Cabin
Fleecer Cabin
Wisdom Ranger District
Boulder Creek Campground
Canyon Creek Campground
Fourth Of July Campground
Little Joe Campground
Lodgepole Campground
May Creek Campground
Miner Lake Campground
Mono Creek Campground
Mussigbrod Campground
North Van Houten Campground
Pettengill Campground
Pintler Campground
Seymour Creek Campground
Steel Creek Campground
Twin Lakes Campground
Willow Campground
Canyon Creek Cabin
Hogan Cabin
May Creek Cabin
Twin Lakes Cabin
Madison Ranger District
Bear Creek Campground
Branham Lakes Campground
Cliff Point Campground
Clover Meadows Picnic Site
Cottonwood Campground
Elk Lake Campground
Hilltop Campground
Madison River Campground
Mill Creek Campground
Potosi Campground
Riverview Campground
Wade Lake Campground
West Fork Campground
Antone Station
Bear Creek Bunkhouse
Bear Creek Cabin
Black Butte Cabin
Vigilante Rental Cabin
Wall Creek Cabin
West Fork Cabin
Pintler Ranger District
Cable Mountain Campground
Copper Creek Campground
Crystal Creek Campground
East Fork Campground
Flint Creek Campground
Lodgepole Campground
Orofino Campground
Philipsburg Bay Campground
Piney Campground
Racetrack Campground
Spillway Campground
Spring Hill Campground
Stony Campground
Doney Lake Cabin
Douglas Creek Cabin
Moose Lake Guard Station
Racetrack Creek Cabin
Stony Cabin
West Fork Station
These actions have been taken based on the best available medical advice for cleaning per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and to promote social distancing. Notifications to renters will be made as soon as possible, and refunds will be processed. As we work through an unpredictable and rapidly changing situation, health and safety is our number one priority. We are committed to continuing to support our communities and fulfill our mission as we all work together to minimize the impacts and spread of COVID-19. Visitors are encouraged to contact their local ranger district office with additional questions:
Supervisor’s Office/Dillon Ranger District – 406-683-3900
Wisdom Ranger District – 406-689-3243
Butte Ranger District – 406-494-2147
Pintler Ranger District – 406-859-3211
Madison Ranger District – 406-682-4253
The closure order is available for viewing online at: