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Drummond wall plaques hung, standing trophies on deck

DRUMMOND – The debacle over the Drummond trophies is slowly coming to an end, and it’s looking better than ever.

Drummond Schools has gotten the first section of its wall trophies put into place in the foyer of its gymnasium. The display could be seen as patrons entered the gymnasium for Friday night’s games again Harrison-Willow Creek.

The wall plaques are now displayed by decades, starting with the 1980s in the left-hand corner foyer and stretching east toward the snack bar. The Trophy Committee, formed in early 2018, will now turn its attention toward how to best display the standing trophies and the state championship plaques. The latter are scheduled to be displayed in a separate shelving space to showcase them at eye level.

The process began in the summer of 2017 when then superintendent Bryan Kott tried consolidating the trophies by removing the name and identifying portions of wall plaques and place them on a series of boards, eliminating the state-shaped pieces of wood in order to save space. It was his contention that the school did not have the wall space to accommodate the trophies in their original state.

But in October of 2017 word got out that Kott’s idea was being put into action and that the wooden wall plaques were being cut apart in the school’s wood shop class. Public outcry on social media and throughout the town stopped the process, but not before more than a hundred wall plaques and had been dismantled and destroyed.

The Trophy Wall Committee, in conjunction with new Superintendent Christina Barbachano, has been working hard since its formation to replace the destroyed trophies and have them displayed properly for all to see.

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