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County Road Supervisor pay raise drawing ire of county residents

PHILIPSBURG – Citizens around Granite County called the Flint Creek Courier Thursday with concerns over an impending pay raise for County Road Supervisor Paul Alt.

Alt, who was hired in the spring of 2017, was paid just under $57,000 for his first year of service in the position. Along with those duties, Alt is also in charge of the county’s two waste management plants, receiving $15,000 a year for that assignment. The two jobs bring him to a total of almost $72,000 a year.

Callers to the Flint Creek Courier indicated that Alt had requested a pay raise of approximately $15,000 a year at Tuesday’s Granite County Commissioner meeting, and that the raise for his duties regarding the waste management facilities.

In a phone interview Thursday afternoon, Commissioner Bill Slaughter stated that the perception of residents was not accurate.

“Paul was hired about a year and a half ago on probation and we gave him a salary of $56,940,” said Slaughter. “His evaluation period ended several months ago and Paul just got around to asking us if we were going to adjust it. We were all busy with one thing or another and we just now got around to it.”

Slaughter continued by explaining that he and the other commissioners, Bart Bonney and Scott Adler, researched what the salary was for a road supervisor in other counties like Granite and said that the going rate was about $70,000. If the commissioners approve that salary base, then Alt will be making $85,000 per year for his two jobs.

“That’s the increase that we are considering giving him,” added Slaughter. “It has nothing to do with his duties in waste management.”

Slaughter finished by saying that he and the other commissioners were very happy with Alt’s performance and that his crew really enjoyed working for him.

The Granite County Commissioners will be holding their weekly meeting Tuesday, December 18, 2018. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. with the session discussing Alt’s potential pay raise commencing at 10.

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